Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yang Terutama

Just came back from campus, suddenly i sang out yg t'utama song..it was da song played yesterday at church n it touched my heart.. i tried out on my guitar, dunno i used da correct chords or not.. anyhow, thanks 2 Tracy for giving me da lyric.. GBU my fren.. it's a simple song but very meaningful.. it's about putting God's 1st in our lives, in every circumstances whether it's good or bad.. n then we can feel the Lord's working in our lives..may people who hear dis song will open up their heart to know Jesus.. even though my voice n guitar playing may not so good..erhem.. sori..huhu..

Yang terutama di dalam hidup ini,

Meninggikan nama Yesus.

Yang terutama di dalam hidup ini,

Memuliakan nama Mu.


Halleluia x2

Saya mau cinta Yesus